Leaning into Discomfort – Making 2023 My Year of Action

Understanding how failing to keep our promises to ourselves impact what we do and how we feel.

It’s Saturday, January 14, 2023. I’m watching Vanessa Lau’s YouTube video on 5 lessons she learned in 2022 while attempting, for the umpteenth time since December 26, 2022, to write the tweets I want to schedule to promote my business.

Toward the end of the video, she said her word for 2022 is Discipline. Not in the sense of being so intense about growing her business and hustling. After all, she has her health to improve. Instead, she’s going to work on keeping her promises to herself.

And that really hit home with me.

How many promises have I broken to myself?

I want to do more things with my life. I write down goals, plans, and things I’ll do to improve my life. And I promise myself that I’ll do them.

But I always find a way to weasel out of my promises to myself. And it hurts. It hurts when another year passes, and I’m no further along. It hurts when I realise that I’ve disappointed myself yet again.

And I keep doing the same thing over and over without fail, knowing what the results will be – case in point, failure to post knowing that my revenues last year were way lower than the two before.

2023 will be a year of action

It has to be. I have no choice. My comfort zone is getting might uncomfortable and I’ve done all the accommodating I can manage like that frog. I’m at a point where if something doesn’t change, that’ll be it.

So, that’s one of the things I have to do for myself.
I try to keep my promises to others because I hate disappointing people. And I’ve never thought about how disappointing myself impacts my mental state as well. How it affects what I think I can do and what’s possible with my life.

So, as Erin (Erin on Demand) said, “What if I don’t do it? Then what? What will my life look like if I continue to not do what I want to do?

It’s my year of Action. It’ll also be me taking action on the things I want to do for me, like this blog, like facing my fears, and doing things I’ve never done before.

Yvette Haughton | Conversion Copywriter

Yvette Haughton | Conversion Copywriter

Hi, I’m Yvette, a Black Woman Conversion Copywriter and Launch Strategist. This is my (anonymous 👀 blog under my name) where I’ll jot my thoughts on life, work, and my journey. Stay for the fun, thrills, and spills, and let’s get to know each other.

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Hey there, I'm Yvette

A Conversion Copywriter and Launch Strategist. This is my (anonymous 👀 blog under my name) where I’ll jot my thoughts on life, work, and my journey. 

Stay for the fun, thrills, and spills, and let’s get to know each other.

And let’s connect on social down below 👇🏾

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